박한후의 매니저

박한후의 매니저 완결 Q&A (3)

[ ENG Q&A ]

※ 번역을 도와주신다는 천사 같은 독자분이 계셔서 수정했습니다 ㅠㅠㅠ 감사합니다!! 😭😭😭💗


※ I used a translator. 

Q. when is chansol's birthday!  / 찬솔이의 생일

A. April 20! / 4월 20일


Q. When Chansol was in jail, did Hanhoo sneak a look at the prison security cameras? How tortured was Hanhoo's heart? 찬솔이 교도소에 있을 때 한후가 교도소 방범 카메라를 몰래 훔쳐 봤나? 한후의 마음은 얼마나 괴로웠을까?

A. Yes. While chasing August, he checked on Chansol from time to time. He didn't even have enough time to be heartbroken. 네! 어거스트를 쫓으면서 틈틈히 지켜봤습니다. 마음이 아플 시간조차 없었습니다.

Q. Chansol is a very unique character. I've never read a BL with this type of personality. What inspired you to make Chansol personality? 찬솔이의 캐릭터가 특이한데 만들게 된 이유는?

A. Because I like bottoms like Chansol. And I wanted Chansol to be as strong as Hanhoo was. (?) 찬솔이 같은 바텀을 좋아하기 때문입니다. 그리고 한후처럼 찬솔이도 셌으면 했습니다. (?)

Q. What inspired you to make Hanhoo specialize in guns as his field of work? 한후가 총기류를 전공하게 된 이유.

A. Because his uncle was the vice president of an arms company. And because he wanted more power. 삼촌이 무기회사 사장이었고, 더 큰 힘을 원했기 때문에.

Q. What makes the characters annoyed? 캐릭터를 짜증나게 만드는 것.


chansol : he gets rarely annoyed, instead he gets mad.
hanhoo : gets annoyed when the number of people who like Chansol increases.

찬솔이는 짜증보다는 화를 내서 짜증을 안낼거 같고 한후는 찬솔이를 좋아하는 사람이 늘어나는걸 짜증나합니다!

Q. If the characters of your webtoon had to do a theatre play or a fairytale, which would you like them to do? 등장인물들이 동화를 연극해야 한다면 무슨 동화로?  

A. Little red riding hood! 빨간모자!

Q. Which cities do Chansol & Hanhoo's want to visit? 둘이 가고 싶은 도시는 어딜지?

A. Santorini, although it's an island and not a city. 도시는 아니지만 산토리니를 가보고 싶어합니다!

Q. Chansol is so cute! Can I adopt him as my son? XD 찬솔이가 귀여운데 아들로 입양해도 될까요?

A. I don't recommend it. Hanhoo will hunt you down. (?) 추천드리지 않습니다! 한후가 쫓아옵니다. (?)

Q. When did chansol like hanhoo? Was chansol interested in hanhoo in high school? 찬솔이는 한후를 언제부터 좋아했나요? 고등학교때부터 좋아했나요?

A. It was after episode 46 that he started liking Hanhoo as more than a friend! 친구 이상으로 좋아하게 된건 46편 이후부터입니다!

Q. who is your favourite character in park hanhoo's manager, and why? 박한후의 매니저에서 가장 좋아하는 캐릭터와 그 이유는?

A. Hanhoo. Drawing him and his personality were both fun. 한후. 그리는것도 성격도 재밌습니다.

Q. how did you came out with their names? are there any meaning behind their names? 등장인물들의 이름에는 어떤 의미가 있는지.

A. There's no particular meaning behind the names most of the time. I just give them names that seem to go along with their image. 의미가 없는 경우가 많습니다. 이미지와 어울리는거 같은 이름으로 지어줍니다. (느낌적으로)

Q. I am honestly reading from tapytoon the english version and it reached ep58 , and i want to ask : are you going to do another story ? ( a bl ) also will that story be mature ? or will it not ? also thank you for this great story!!( although i still didnt finish it yet ) i will be looking forward to it !! 박한후의 매니저 번외나 차기작에 대해 묻고 계신거 같습니다!

A. There is one episode of side story for Park Hanhoo's Manager, and I'll be preparing my next story while taking a rest. 박한후의 매니저 번외는 한편이 존재하고, 차기작은 쉬면서 준비할 예정입니다.


※ 겹치는 질문이나 전에 답변한적 있는 질문들은 합치거나 스킵했습니다!
※ I skipped / combined the questions that were similar or previously asked!

※ 몇번씩 확인하긴 했는데 혹 빠진 질문이 있다면 죄송합니다 ㅠㅠ
※ I did double check the questions multiple times but apologies if I missed any T_T

※ 즐겁게 답변 했습니다! 관심과 사랑이 가득 담긴 질문들 전부 감사합니다! 😊💗
※ I enjoyed answering to the questions! Thank you for all your questions full of love and attention! 😊💗


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